Sanand, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
The Smart Position Indicator is designed for use in chemical, petro-chemical, oil and gas industries, power plants and water supply.
Limit switches enclosed in a IECEx/ATEX certified protective enclosure provide an accurate and reliable Open/Close signal to the control room for multi-turn manual valves. Using 30+ years of proven technology, the new Smart Position Indicator mechanically displays the position of the valve for in-field notification and digitally signals its open/closed position.
With certification for use in gas and dust explosion hazardous environments, the Smart Position Indicator helps to create a safer working environment.
Pin / key handwheel
Contact Us
Chintan Sales
E42 GIDC Estate, Sanand- II, Behind Endurance Technology, BOL GIDC, Taluka: Sanand, Dist.: Ahmedabad - 382170, Sanand, , Gujarat - 380015, India
Call Us : View Mobile Number
Phone : +91-79-26929121, +91-79-48002500
Fax : +91-79-40064060
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